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Piece of Keike

maybe we actually open a cake shop that delivers cakes in a tiny truck

what started as a simple task of offloading the truck to make a sticker turned into a pun, and then a bit.

the cake was scanned using scaniverse on the iphone and then trimmed in-app before exporting and sending to self. minimal cleanup was needed in blender; just enough to smooth the table-plate choppiness.

i picked an orthographic view to make the thickness pop. set the shading to be unlit and made the background transparent (in the film settings). rendered out in 1:1 aspect ratio. worked up the image in gimp. starting with cleaning up some of the jaggedness at the bottom.

to keep going with the pun i looked for a logo example using the phrase "piece of cake" and found one i wanted to mimic. i didn't have a good script font installed - found magiera script on dafont. took the colors from the logo reference and then padded the background with rounded rectangles to bring it together

the harsh white back was replaced with a marble pattern set to low lightness.

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